How Global Giving Uses Datree to Mitigate Risk.
GlobalGiving is 501 non-profit organization based in the United States that provides a global crowdfunding platform for grassroots charitable projects. Since 2002, more than 800,000 donors on GlobalGiving have raised more than $340 million to support more than 20,000 projects in 170 countries.
With multiple projects and repositories, dependencies versions were not always locked properly. When other developers in the organization pushed upstream code, the entire code would break in production. Pull requests were rarely made to GitHub, due to time constraints - developers would be working on other projects and not have the time to go backward, and the cycle of code breakage and downtime forced us to reevaluate procedure and risk.
After meeting Datree at AWS re: Invent, Global Giving saw how easy it could be to mitigate risk through automated checks without endlessly reviewing versions manually before passing to production.
Datree’s extensive reporting and dashboard help us ease the pain and time spent on the regular audits that we have to go through with our CSRs - they can now access and review datree’s reports to monitor that we are fully compliant and secure.
We no longer have to make the painful choice between developer time vs worth the possible risk of code breakage.
As a result of implementing datree, Global Giving can now automatically enforce that packages are locked and repositories remain compliant because code checks are automated, developers push the code, datree’s integration runs automated checks and then alerts users to proceed or alerts to any issues. We’ve reduced contact switching - a huge pain point in the developer world
Saving developer time to make sure we remain compliant saves us lost opportunity costs. And, the majority of code review issues due to human error are now a thing of the past.
Datree prevents developers from making mistakes that affect quality and security.