What is your cluster score?
Scan your Kubernetes cluster and find out how many misconfigurations you have in production.

Get your cluster score in 4 steps:
1. Add the Datree Helm repository:
This is some text inside of a div block.
helm repo add datree-webhook https://datreeio.github.io/admission-webhook-datree helm repo update
2. Get your token from the dashboard.
helm install -n datree datree-webhook datree-webhook/datree-admission-webhook --debug \ --create-namespace \ --set datree.token= <TOKEN> \ --set datree.clusterName=$(kubectl config current-context)
3. Install Datree on your cluster:
helm install -n datree datree-webhook datree-webhook/datree-admission-webhook --debug \ --create-namespace \ --set datree.token= <TOKEN> \ --set datree.clusterName=$(kubectl config current-context)
4. Return to the dashboard to view the report.
helm install -n datree datree-webhook datree-webhook/datree-admission-webhook --debug \ --create-namespace \ --set datree.token= <TOKEN> \ --set datree.clusterName=$(kubectl config current-context)